Neural 3-Color Immunocytochemistry Kit

The Neural 3-Color Immunocytochemistry Kit (Catalog # SC024) uses three antibodies conjugated to spectrally distinct NorthernLights™ fluorochromes for single-step immunocytochemistry staining of human/mouse/rat neural cells including neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.

Kit Contents

  • NorthernLights 557-conjugated Anti-Oligodendrocyte Marker O4 Antibody (Mouse IgM)
  • NorthernLights 637-conjugated Anti-beta III Tubulin Antibody (Mouse IgG2A)
  • NorthernLights 493-conjugated Anti-GFAP Antibody (Sheep IgG)

Spectral Characteristics of Each Fluorochrome

Fluorochrome Absorption Maximum (nm) Emission Maximum (nm)
NorthernLights-557 557 574
NorthernLights-637 637 658
NorthernLights-493 493 514

Data Examples

Beta-III Tubulin, GFAP, and O4 in Differentiated Rat Cortical Stem Cells. Beta-III Tubulin, GFAP, and O4 in Differentiated Rat Cortical Stem Cells. Beta-III Tubulin, GFAP, and Oligodendrocyte Marker O4 were simultaneously detected in immersion-fixed 7 day differentiated Rat Cortical Stem Cells (Catalog # NSC001) using the Human/Mouse/Rat Neural 3-Color Immunocytochemistry Kit (Catalog # SC024). Proteins were detected using antibodies included in the kit: neurons were stained with a NorthernLights (NL) 637-conjugated mouse anti-neuron-specific beta-III Tubulin monoclonal antibody (gray), astrocytes were stained with a NL493-conjugated sheep anti-GFAP antigen affinity-purified polyclonal antibody (green), and oligodendrocytes were stained with a NL557-conjugated mouse anti-Oligodendrocyte Marker O4 monoclonal antibody (red). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue).