Bio-Techne Go Everywhere Travel Grant – April Recipient Selected!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 15:03
Bio-Techne travel grants

April 2017 Go Everywhere with Bio-Techne Travel Grant Awarded to PhD Candidate at The University of Bonn!

Bio-Techne launched its Go Everywhere Travel Grant Program which awards $1000 USD (or equivalent) to 1 researcher each month to attend the meeting of their choice. This grant program allows the researcher to attend more targeted meetings in their field and provides funding to support both small and large scientific associations that promote discovery and collaboration.

The recipient of the April 2017 grant is Janine Groß, a PhD Candidate at the University of Bonn!

Immunocytochemistry-NK1R in THP 1 Human Cell Line

Immunocytochemistry-NK1R in THP 1 Human Cell Line (Catalog # MAB66871).

Find products to detect NK1R and Substrate P from R&D Systems

Mrs. Groß does her research in the University Eye Clinic of the Ophthalmology Department at the University of Bonn. She has chosen to attend The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD, from May 7-11, 2017.

Her work focuses on the investigation of Neurokinin Receptor-1 (NKR-1) and the expression in ocular tissue. She uses a mouse model to look at the effects that result from exposure to unilateral UVR-B irradiation in vivo. Her work utilizes IHC/ICC, fluorescent microscopy, ELISAs, and microsurgical techniques in mice to quantitate the changes in expression resulting from irradiation. Her studies show that irradiation cause an upregulation of NKR-1 in ocular tissue and has implications in cataractogenesis.
She plans to present her findings at the ARVO 2017 meeting and hopes people that visit her poster will learn more about the inflammatory peptide Substance P and NKR-1. The role of Substance P and its receptor, NKR-1 and its association with UVR-B irradiation and cataract disease is still unknown and requires further research.

If you are attending The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting and would like to learn more about her work, look for her poster #B0208 titled: UVR-B irradiation induces NKR-1 upregulation in ocular tissues in vivo.
When Janine accepted the grant from Bio-Techne, she stated:

“This Travel Grant give me the opportunity to represent my work in a poster presentation at the ARVO 2017 and discuss the results with researchers from over 75 countries. I´m very happy about it!”

Bio-Techne and our brands are proud to support Janine’s work and the work of many of the researchers that have applied to our travel grants so far this year. If you are interested in applying to any of our travel grants, please go to

Travel Grant Departure and Arrival

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