Bio-Techne Go Everywhere Travel Grant – January Recipient Selected!

Monday, February 13, 2017 - 10:53
Bio-Techne travel grants

Bio-Techne continues to support the work of researchers worldwide with travel grants awarded to specific conferences throughout the year. In 2017, we launched our Go Everywhere Travel Grant Program which awards 1 researcher each month in 2017 with a $1000 USD (or equivalent) travel grant to attend the meeting of their choice. This allows the researchers to attend more targeted meetings in their field and provides funding to support both small and large associations to further promote scientific discoveries and conversations.

The first recipient of 2017 is Dr. Olalekan Ogundele from Louisiana State University!

Dr. Ogundele, LSU

Dr. Ogundele, a Research Fellow from Louisiana State University is the first recipient of the Bio-Techne Go Everywhere Travel Grant in 2017

Dr. Ogundele is a Research Fellow in the Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at LSU. He has chosen to attend the Minnesota Neuromodulation Symposium at the University of Minnesota in April 2017.

His research focuses on hippocampal stress responses and inhibition of the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei (PVN) during predator exposure events in mice. His team uses DREADDs to stimulate the response in absence of a predator exposure to determine the role of activated PVN in stress. The findings of his research have implications in stress and anxiety disorders.

Dr. Ogundele’s work utilizes several Tocris Brand agonists and antagonists. The agonist Clozapine-N-Oxide is central to the DREADD work he plans to present at the Neuromodulation Symposium. He also sourced several salts from Tocris and other agonists. If you are attending the Neuromodulation Symposium and would like to learn more about his work, look for his abstract titled: Paraventricular hypothalamic inhibition attenuates hippocampal stress, and synaptic dysfunction associated with conditioned fear.

Bio-Techne and our brands are proud to support Dr. Ogundele's work and the work of many of the researchers that have applied to our travel grants so far this year. If you are interested in applying to any of our travel grants, please go to

Travel Grant Departure and Arrival

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