Which Luminex® Assay Is Right For Me?

There are important distinctions between our Luminex® Assays and our Luminex High Performance Assays which need to be considered when determining the best solution for your specific multiplexing needs.

  Luminex® Assays Luminex® "Premixed" High Performance Assays Luminex® "User Mixed" High Performance Assays Luminex® Fixed High Performance Assays
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Maximum Analyte Multiplex 50 45 45 45
Sample Volume (uL) 25-50 *25-50 *25-50 *25-50
Microparticles Premixed Yes Yes No Yes
Biotin Antibodies Premixed Yes Yes No Yes
Controls Available No Yes Yes Yes
Premix QC Prior to Shipping Yes, full QC Yes, confirmational QC Yes, confirmational QC Yes, confirmational QC
# Analytes Available >450 >120 >120 45
# Species Available 3 1 1 1
Validated sample types Cell culture supernatants, serum, EDTA plasma, Heparin plasma. For mouse analytes only, tissue lysates Cell culture supernatants, serum, EDTA plasma, Heparin plasma; For select panels**: saliva, urine, milk Cell culture supernatants, serum, EDTA plasma, Heparin plasma; for select panels**: saliva, urine, milk Same as “Premixed”
Analyte Selection User defined* Predetermined but customizable Predetermined but customizable Predetermined, not customizable
Assay Format Bead sets include base kits Bead sets include base kits Order the bead sets and base kits separately Bead sets include base kits
Delivery Time U.S. orders ship in 7 business days U.S. orders ship in 5 business days U.S. orders ship in 2 days U.S. orders usually ship in 1 day
# Panels Available Custom 13 customizable panels, including 2 high sensitivity panels 13 customizable panels, including 2 high sensitivity panels 9 fixed panels
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*Sample volumes may vary outside this range depending upon the sample type and kit type, check the kit insert for specific details
**Some Luminex High Performance Assays are also validated for urine, saliva and human milk

 Luminex® is a trademark of Luminex Corporation.