Custom Luminex® Assay Services

Accelerate Biomarker Discovery, Validation, and Detection with Unique Analyte Panels

With the largest immediately available retail analyte selection and an active development pipeline of new targets, R&D Systems has developed a reputation for delivering high quality and customized content for Luminex® assays.

Utilizing our massive in-house collection of antibodies and proteins reduces development time, saves you money, and puts custom multiplex panels that detect your specific analytes of interest in your hands faster. Expedite your project by putting our experience and reagents to work for you.

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Our custom Luminex services allow you to choose from 4,500 protein targets, 20,000 Proteins, and 25 species.

Luminex Services

New Analyte Development

With a fast turnaround, R&D Systems can add new targets to your existing Luminex panel. Using the extensive collection of catalog and non-catalog antibodies and proteins, our teams can quickly assess the feasibility of your target and add it to an existing panel, ultimately reducing your time to data and minimizing the sample volume required.

Bead Region Conflict Resolution

Is a bead region conflict preventing you from getting all your analytes on the same panel? We can reassign bead regions so you can get all your results with one assay. Bead region change services offered at no extra charge!*
*Terms and conditions apply.

Bulk Packaging

When ordering multiple kits, we can package kit materials in bulk to reduce packaging waste and storage space at no extra charge.*
*Terms and conditions apply.

Lot Sequestration

To reduce potential lot qualifications in a long-term study, we can save you time by reserving your Luminex materials, so everything is built from the same batch.*
*Terms and conditions apply.

What to Expect

Quality Luminex custom assays

All our custom Luminex services and custom assay development processes are governed by established, rigorous quality assurance measures, so you can be confident in the accuracy of the data and the performance of your custom product.

Access to our Luminex specialists
Access to Scientists

Our custom reagents are developed by the same scientists that make the retail products you trust. Utilize our decades of experience from project design to delivery.

High quality Luminex assay Products
High Performance Products

R&D Systems is known for its quality products, lot to lot consistency, and long-term supply. You can expect the same for your customized Luminex Panels.

Luminex specifications
Target your Specifications

• Sensitivity
• Dynamic Range
• Precision
• Specificity
• Linearity
• Reproducibility


Partnering with the Luminex team at R&D Systems for missing analyte development was invaluable to our project. Their Quality Assurance expertise and open communication ensured transparent study progression.

Director, Biotech Company

Luminex assay guidance

Consult With Our Experts

Luminex assay planning

Understand Your Goals

Luminex assay documentation

Document Milestones

Initiate and communicate Luminex custom assay results

Initiate & Communicate

Luminex assay results

Deliver Your Results

Application Note: Custom Coronavirus Serological Assay

Application Note: Custom Coronavirus Serological Assay

To what degree does exposure to the common cold virus, SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV enhance or diminish immunity to SARS-CoV-2? To answer this question, investigators need to be able to evaluate the specificity and cross-reactivity of the immune response to coronaviruses. R&D Systems, a Bio-Techne brand has developed a novel custom Luminex serological assay that distinguishes between coronavirus subtypes. Using our high-quality recombinant proteins, this antigen-down assay saves time and precious samples by multiplexing many coronavirus subtypes simultaneously in each sample.

Download the Application Note

 Luminex® is a trademark of Luminex Corporation.