Cathepsin C/DPPI: Products

Cathepsin C is a papain family cysteine protease that sequentially removes dipeptides from the free N-termini of proteins and peptides. It has broad specificity except that it does not cleave a basic amino acid (Arg or Lys) in the N-terminal position or Pro on either side of the scissle bond.

"Cathepsin C/DPPI" has 10 results in Products.
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Mouse/Rat Cathepsin C/DPPI Antibody 

10 Images
IHC, Simple Western, WB

Human Cathepsin C/DPPI Antibody 

4 Images
IHC, Simple Western, WB

Recombinant Rat Cathepsin C/DPPI Protein, CF 

1 Image
Enzyme Activity

AZD 5248 

Potent cathepsin C inhibitor

Proteome Profiler Human Protease Array Kit 

Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 35 different protease antibodies

Proteome Profiler Human Protease/Protease Inhibitor Array 

Contains 4 membranes-2 spotted in duplicate with antibodies against 35 different proteases and 2 spotted in duplicate with antibodies against 32 different protease inhibitors
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