Flow Cytometry Supplemental Reagents

Antibody Isotype Controls

A wide selection of species-specific IgG isotype controls conjugated to a variety of labels.

Secondary Antibodies

We offer a range of secondary antibodies for flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, and Western blotting.

Staining Reagents for Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer (1X) (Catalog # FC001)

For immunofluorescent staining of single-cell suspensions and subsequent dilution, suspension, washing, and storage of cells intended for flow cytometric acquisition and analysis.

Flow Cytometry Human Lyse Buffer (10X) (Catalog # FC002)

Formulated and optimized to prepare human whole blood samples or any other cell preparation containing an excess of human red blood cells, intended for flow cytometric acquisition and analysis.

Flow Cytometry Mouse Lyse Buffer (10X) (Catalog # FC003)

Formulated and optimized to prepare mouse samples that contain an excess of red blood cells, such as spleen or whole blood samples, intended for flow cytometric acquisition and analysis.

Flow Cytometry Fixation Buffer (1X) (Catalog # FC004)

For fixation and storage of single-cell suspensions intended for subsequent intracellular flow cytometry applications.

Flow Cytometry Permeabilization/Wash Buffer I (1X) (Catalog # FC005)

For permeabilization of single-cell suspensions, dilution, and washing of these samples for subsequent intracellular flow cytometry applications.

Flow Cytometry Fixation/Permeabilization Buffer I (1X) (Catalog # FC007)

Formulated and optimized for simultaneous fixation and permeabilization of single-cell suspensions, dilution, and washing of these samples for subsequent intracellular flow cytometry applications (125 mL).

Flow Cytometry Fixation & Permeabilization Buffer Kit I (Catalog # FC009)

All buffers required for the fixation and permeabilization of single-cell suspensions, dilution, and washing of these samples for subsequent intracellular flow cytometry applications (100 mL of Fixation Buffer and 250 mL of Permeabilization/Wash Buffer).

Fluorochrome-conjugated Streptavidin

Secondary reagents for use in immunofluorescent assays using biotinylated primary labeling reagents. Streptavidin is available conjugated to Phycoerythrin, Allophycocyanin, NorthernLights™ 493, NorthernLights™ 557, and NorthernLights™ 637.

Avidin-Fluorescein (Catalog # F0030)

Secondary reagent for use in immunofluorescent assays using biotinylated primary labeling reagents.