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Rho GTPase Inhibitors: Products: Products

Rho GTPases play a part in the processes that rely on changes to cell morphology and movement.

"Rho GTPase Inhibitors" has 10 results in Products.
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NSC 23766 

Selective inhibitor of Rac1-GEF interaction; antioncogenic

EHT 1864 

Potent Rac family inhibitor

ML 141 

Selective Cdc42 Rho family inhibitor


DOCK2-Rac1 interaction inhibitor

Rhosin hydrochloride 

Rho inhibitor


Cdc42 inhibitor

Miro1 Reducer 

Promotes mitochondrial Rho GTPase 1 (Miro1) degradation

EHop 016 

Rac inhibitor


Rac1 inhibitor; blocks Rac1-P-Rex1 interaction

BAY 593 

Geranylgeranyltransferase-I (GGTase-I) inhibitor
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