TC-PTP: Products

T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP), also known as PTPT and PTPN2, is an enzyme that removes phosphate groups covalently attached to tyrosine residues in proteins. TC-PTP dephosphorylates a wide range of phosphoproteins, such as p52Shc and receptors for EGF, Insulin and Growth Hormone.

"TC-PTP" has 5 results in Products.
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Human/Mouse/Rat TC-PTP Antibody 

2 Images
Simple Western, WB

Tyrosine Phosphatase Substrate I, DADEY(PO3)LIPQQG 

Substrate for PTP1B, TC-PTP, SHP-2, and Tyrosine Phosphatase

BVT 948 

Non-competitive protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor
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